Which is PyWhatsapp by shauryauppal, which was more of cli tool than a wrapper which suprisingly worked and it's approach allows you to dynamically send whatsapp message to unsaved contacts without rescanning QR-code everytime. I then went for WebWhatsapp-Wrapper, it has some good documentation and recent commits so I had hopes it gonna work but It didn't for me, and after having couples of errors I abandoned it to look for the next alternative. I then tried pywhatsapp which is based on yowsup and thus requiring you to do some registration with yowsup before using it of which after bit of googling I got scared of having my number blocked when I do that so I went for the next option So I tried pywhatkit, really cool one well crafted to be used by others but its implementations require you to open a new browser tap and scan QR code everytime you send a message no matter if its the same person, which was deal breaker for using it. I was looking for a way to control and automate WhatsApp web with Python, I came across some very nice libaries and wrappers implementations including Python wrapper for WhatsApp web made with selenium inspired by PyWhatsApp